It was finally around 1:00 in the morning, when our 8 month old son finally fell asleep. He has been waking up about every three hours for about one week now. So lately when I lay my head on my pillow at night, I have a sense of dread that prevents me from falling asleep. Last night was no different. I remember looking at the clock around 2:00 am and finally sleeping.
I was not asleep long when my husband shouted, "What's that?" I was startled and trying to come to my senses, when I saw a shadow towering over my head. I screamed, went under the covers and came back out kicking and punching at whatever was there. It was at that point my 10 year old daughter said, "mama its me, Shealyn. I can't sleep with the thunder."
My husband and I walked Shealyn back up to her room, and as we were putting her to bed, thunder cracked loudly again and our six year old began screaming. All I could think was, "please don't wake the baby." Thankfully the baby was not woken.... close call though.
So today while driving the kids to school I thought with confusion and a little bewilderment: Why is it that kids usually get sick at night? And... Why is it that thunderstorms happen when we are all sound asleep? I'm not sure why it happens that way, but I sure do hope that tonight all my kids are well and the weather is peaceful.
yes! Sharon has a blog! I will put you under my blog buddies so I can check back regularly...
So I've recently become Blog friends with Angela. We've been trying to figure out how we know each other.... maybe it's through you?
Good to read you!
I tagged you - You're it!! hop over to my blog and it will inspire you to get yours going again!! ;)
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