Monday, July 28, 2008

Obama Opprobrious Or Not?

Obama's refusal to raise his hand for the National Anthem and his decision to give up an opportunity to meet with injured soldiers in Germany is a telltale  to the man wanting be President of the United States of America.  I have always had a deep gratitude for our military.  On my maternal side of the family I have 3 generations of military service men.  I have spent hours with my grandfather listening about his personal battle at Iwo Jima in World War II.  He was only 18 years old and fought in the bloodiest battle in marine history.  In that war 6,821 marines died and 19, 189 were wounded.  The Japanese lost 20, 703 men and on February 23, 1945 the raising of the American Flag signified our defeat of the Japanese. 

Grandpa landed on the island and drove his bull dozier ahead of other marine buddies  to make a path for them.  Grandpa was under rifle fire the minute his dozier hit land.  He watched his captain explode before his very eyes and buddies around him ranging in age of 18 years old to 27 get shot down like sitting ducks.  But, they were marines and were fighting for their country, they pressed on.  Grandpa was there that day the flag was raised, he couldn't see it from where he was, but he was there.  Grandpa's last job on the island was to dig the graves of thousands of marines who fought courageously and lost their lives.  Grandpa said that they made sure all the dead had proper burials, "that's what marines do Sharon, we make sure the job is completely finished."

Grandpa's stories are frightening, exciting and valiant.  His military life alone, has embedded in me a deep pride for our flag and our anthem.  What an honor it is to have symbols of our freedom and the people who fought for our freedom.  It is opprobrious for anyone of any political association, race, or gender to dishonor the flag or our anthem.  The flag and anthem allegorically stand for the very reason Obama is where he is today.  There is an evolving reality now in 2008, not dream, that all men are created equal and America is the platform for those dreams.  Obama would not be where he is at today if it were not for the flag and the servicemen and women who fought for the very freedom he enjoys.  The freedom for all to have opinions on guns, wars, abortion, health care, immigrants, death penalty and religion.  The freedom to work, buy a house, drink running water, use electricity and yes run expensive campaigns!  All of our "luxuries"  were not just given to us.  

Mr. Obama, freedom does not come free.  Everything we do in life must be earned and sacrificed for.  I am beginning to think that all Americans should spend time in third-world, impoverished, dictator led countries so that when they step foot on American soil they unreservedly raise their hand in reverence to our flag and when they hear our Anthem they stand proud hand over their heart.

 You can find more info about this photo at   

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