Friday, August 15, 2008

Undeserving Love!

I came home this evening and was once again greeted at the garage door by my thirteen year old dog, Dallas.  He is a chocolate labrador, with a growing speckled grey and white gotee.

  Everyday he greets me by walking right up to me, sniffing my knee to make sure it is me (his eyesight is going) and then he does a little puppy dance.  Yes, he still feels like he is a puppy even though his body is old.

I am always surprised that this greeting occurs whether I have taken him on a walk that day or have  quickly brushed past him to get into the house.   He is faithful, loyal and unconditional with his love.  He doesn't demand a walk or for me to sit down and pet him, but when I do,  he truly treasures the attention that is bestowed upon him.

There are not too many relationships that would last with this  kind of interpersonal arrangement.  In fact, the only relationship that freely gives undeserving love and faithfulness is that of our Father.  In no way am I comparing God to my dog, but more comparing the constant love towards us even when we are not fully engaged with Him.

For me, tonight, my dog Dallas, is my reminder of my Father's constant love for me even if for today I have forgotten it!

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