My grandmother Carolyn never ceases to amaze me. Although she is getting older she lives life with the zest and zeal of one younger. I believe she just celebrated her 83rd birthday! I know she is over 80 but I have sealed her in time at around 60! Last fall when she was visiting I asked her what keeps her going in life. "I still feel like I'm in my thirties," she said. My grandfather Lee echoed the same, "Your body feels old, but your heart feels young."
What is it about those people in life that live long? According to WebMD if you don't smoke, drink only moderately, eat the right servings a day and exercise 1/2 hour a day you can live about 14 years longer. I know my grandmother smoked for years, did drink moderately, played tennis for years and seemed to eat healthy.
Yet, I think there might be more to helping her live a long and fulfilling life. This is how I see her life. I see her actively involved with her children, grand-children and great-grandchildren. She surrounds her life with life! This last Christmas she planned a wonderful reunion where everyone in the Ball Family attended (except one cousin). Over 60 relatives were in attendance and we had a blast. Grandma Carolyn is also a very positive person. She seeks out opportunity and goes for it. She took a computer class at the community college so she could be active on the Internet, she helps with my aunts daycare center and she scrapbooks.
Have I mentioned that she has severe asthma and allergies? Or that she has broken several bones over the years, been in and out of the hospital for one reason or another? And, I never hear her complain about her ailments or give up. She is full of perseverance and will not even allow her physical health to hold her back. For many years now she has lived during the summers in Alaska with my aunt. There she works at the ice cream shop at the bottom of the mountain. She wakes up, walks down the hill and serves vacationers while chatting about everything and anything. And, she can chat up a storm.
She keeps herself current on culture and politics. Just recently I debated with her and her sister Gertrude about the war in Iraq and the presidential debates. This means her brain is constantly active and involved in reading and watching world events.
I'm beginning to think there is more to living a long life. Although it is important to follow the WebMD advice, you might want to try adding the following as well:
1. Positive outlook on life will generate positive energy
2. Surround yourself with the living...your not dead yet
3. Pursue hobbies of interest to you
4. Let your heart be free to be young
5. If you have challenges find ways to work around them
I am grateful my grandmother continues to live among the living. I have learned so much from her years of wisdom and have gained from her encouraging words. She is a reminder to me to enjoy my life and to not give up!
1 comment:
Wonderful writing! I love my "Great" Aunt Carolyn and "Great" Uncle Lee! I share a lot of the same views and feelings. Nice blog. (Susan Ball's daughter Cathy)
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